Nytt og Spennende All activities and experiences "Sveiven" Show med Dora Torallsdottir "Med Hodet Bikket Bakover"
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Gaustabanen The Magical Mountain 15 extraordinary minutes The history of Gaustabanen
Gaustatoppen Weather and webcams Amenities at the top
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Eco lighthouse

Easter Program

We look forward to spending Easter together with you all!

Opening hours on Easter:

Saturday 12.04.-Thursday 17.04. : 09:30 - 16:00

Fridag 18.04. : 05:30 - 16:00

Saturday 19.04.-Monday 21.04. 09:30 - 16:00

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Easter is a beloved time in Norway, and for many Norwegians, spending the holiday in the mountains is a favorite tradition. It's when people swap city life and daily routines for snow-covered landscapes, skiing, and warm sunshine. Trips to the mountains typically include simple joys like oranges, Kvikklunsj chocolate, and hot cocoa. For most, Easter is all about relaxed days at the cabin with family and friends, skiing or hiking in beautiful nature, and simply enjoying peaceful moments together. The mountains during Easter represent freedom, community, and tradition, making it an important part of Norwegian culture and identity.

Tour in the secret fascility in Gaustabanen

Welcome to a guided tour of the facility that was previously part of the defense’s secret operations, designed to secure critical communications vital to the nation's security.

Breakfast and sunrise at Gaustatoppen

Experience the magical sunrise from the top, and enjoy a nice breakfast in Kongeloungen

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Bestill smørbrød lunsj i kongeloungen

Prøv Kongens Karbonadesmørbrød i det historiske anlegget til Gaustabanen. Kafeen er åpen hele påsken i banens åpningstider

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